Church Directories

We are currently working on a “new” updated church directory and would like each family to submit a photo to be placed in the directory. Please note: We will need to shrink the photos to fit, so a smaller photo would be best. We do not want families to provide individual photos of each family member. Photos can be returned to you when we are finished. Photos should be placed in an envelope with your name on it and placed in the box labeled “photos” in the lobby. Photos off a phone if good quality can be emailed to Judy, the church secretary.

We are not having professional photos done this year. If you do not have a photo, please see Nathalina Schloneger or ask someone to take a photo for you. Photos must be submitted no later than June 1st in order to be placed in the directory. If you have any questions, please send Judy Juskiw (Secretary) a note by email and she will try to assist you. Thank you!

Also, please review the address list to check your information and make sure everything is correct. (Initial beside your name so we know you checked it.) All info
will be included in the new directory.


